Mission: To inspire, educate, and equip our parishioners to ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in building a culture of life.
Vision: To make Stella Maris a LEADER of promoting and supporting a culture of life in our community.
Bible Verse: "...nor shall you stand by idly when your neighbor's life is at stake." Leviticus 19:16
For the 24/7 national hotline, Option Line, visit optionline.org or call or text 1-800-712-4357. For local help, contact Lowcountry Pregnancy Center at 843.553.3505. Download a Resource Sheet below (in the Documents section) to find more community support and financial and medical assistance. You are not alone!
Looking for healing from a past abortion? rachelsvineyard.org or call the National Hotline for Abortion Recovery at 866-482-5433
Sign up for email/text communications on Flocknote! To sign up, first create a Flocknote account (if you don't already have one) at https://stellamarischurch.org/flocknote-sign-up. Once you've registered, join the Respect Life group on the left navigation bar.
Questions? Call Anne H at (843) 437-3190.